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Debra Hess
Spiritual Mentor

Debra Hess: BA in Music Therapy, Love Ecstasy Training 1&2,          SkyDancing Tantra ongoing, 200hr Forrest Yoga Trained, iRest Yoga Nidra Level 2. Laughter Yoga Certified. 

At the young age of 20, Debra was inspired to seek the knowledge and experience of her own divinity as well as the nature of the universe.


The diverse paths she walked now culminate in this moment where others refer to having unwavering trust in Debra’s love and compassion. They experience feeling safe as Debra shows up in her vulnerability, honesty and strength.  The results from working with Debra are the return of hope, and the belief in the possibility of peace, wholeness and happiness.


The training that has supported this foundation for Debra’s own return to wholeness include: Years of Trauma Psychotherapy, 500 hours in Yoga Teacher Training, Bachelor's degree in Music Therapy, Laughter Yoga and Yoga Nidra Certified, and now the culmination is her completion of Love Ecstasy Training  1 and 2  and currently ongoing with SkyDancing Tantra by Margot Anand


Debra’s greatest moment of awakening has been through her own Yoni Healing experience where Debra uttered “All of existence flows through us!” She considers it an honor to serve you through the Joy that overflows from her own journey with healing from sexual abuse to the discovery of This Narrow Gate of Love!

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