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Change is on the Horizon

Here is an invitation..


Journey with me 

on behalf of your

next greatest moment

of deep and lasting change!


The experience you will have with me

is unlike any other experience.


Together we create the 

inward path

that has all the signs 

leading Home to Self.


A path of Embodiment

is a path of thriving.


If your ready,

So am I.

Your trusted servant,



Debra Hess BAMusic Therapy,

200hr ERYT YA Forrest Yoga Trained,

Laughter Yoga Certified,

iRest Yoga Nidra Level 2 Teacher

Level 1 and 2 Tantra Training with SkyDancing Tantra

Personal Testimony

I began my personal journey some 30 years ago to address the symptoms of Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


Opening my awareness to my symptoms of Depression and Anxiety, I found myself in a 30 year study and inquiry into modern science and ancient yogic practices designed to transform the mindsets and body patterns of trauma.


Now I have...

Freedom from the conditioning of the past,

Immanent embodied experience of being human,

and the Transcendent experience of my Essential Nature.


From this place 

I gratefully Serve you

in claiming that and more

for yourself!




There is nothing like working with Debra. 

What keeps me coming back time and again is

the infusion of Debra's accomplished expertise

delivered through her holistic approach.


You feel like a completely different and

rejuvenated soul of blissful calm after every experience!

—  Mary

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